Find all polynomials `P(x)` such that: `P(x-1).P(x+1)=P(x^2-1)`
Suppose that `\alpha` is a root of `P(x)` then, `P(\alpha)=0`
Therefore, `P((\alpha+1)-1)=0`
Find all polynomials `P(x)` such that: `P(x-1).P(x+1)=P(x^2-1)`
Suppose that `\alpha` is a root of `P(x)` then, `P(\alpha)=0`
Therefore, `P((\alpha+1)-1)=0`
Find the last two digits of : `N=(1!+2!+3!+.......+101!)^101`
Note: This is equivalent to finding `N(mod11)`.
ie: The remainder when dividing `N` by `100`.
Observation: `10!\equiv0(mod100)` Because, `10!=10...5...2`
Therefore, `N\equiv(1!+2!+3!+......+9!)^101(mod100)`
Prove that: `A_n=3^(n+3)-4^(4n+2)` is divided by `11`
We will prove by Mathematics Induction:
If `n=0` then `A_n=3^3-4^2=27-16=11` It is true that `A_n` is divided with `11`
Assuming that: `A_n` is divided with `11` for `n=k` `(1)`
We will prove it is true for `n=k+1` then `A_(k+1)` is divided with `11`
a. Prove that: `forall x\inR` : `:|acosx+bsinx|\leqsqrt(a^2+b^2)`
b. Find the maximum and minimum of `f(x)=20cosx+21sinx+27`
a. Prove `|acosx+bsinx|\leqsqrt(a^2+b^2)` `forall x\inR`
Assuming we have:
`X_1;X_2` are the root of : `X^2-(2cost+3sint)X-11sin^2t=0`
Find the minimum of `A=X_1^2+X_1X_2+X_2^2`.
We can see that: `A=X_1^2+X_1X_2+X_2^2`
Following Vieta's Formulas `X^2-SX+P=0` `(1)`
a. Prove that: `tan^3x/(1-3tan^2x)=1/8(tan3x-3tanx)`
As we knew: `tan3x=(3tanx-tan^3x)/(1-3tan^2x)`
Then, `tan3x-3tanx=(8tan^3x)/(1-3tan^2x)`
Find the limit of `S_n=2/(1.3)+2/(3.5)+2/(5.3)+.......+2/((2n+1)(2n+3))`
We can see that general term of this sequence is:
It is given function `f(x)` determine on `R` , satisfied that:
If `g(x)=f(x)+1-x` , find the value of `g(2020)` `\forallx,y\inR`
From our hypothesis we already had:
We will find the coefficients of `a_1` ; `a_2` ; `a_3` and `a_20`
Which meant they are the coefficients of `x` ; `x^2` ; `x^3` and `x^(20)` .
We can rewrite `(1+2x+3x^2)^10=[1+x(2+3x)]^10`
We will use the Newton's Formula
Then, `[1+x(2+3x)]^10=C(10,0)+C(10,1)x(2+3x)+C(10,2)x^2.(2+3x)^2`
We observe that:
`Coef(x)=2C(10,1)=20` then, `a_1=20`
`Coef(x^2)=2^2C(10,2)=4.45=180` then, `a_2=180`
`Coef(x^3)=12C(10,2)+8C(10,3)=45.12+120.8=1500` then `a_3=1500`
`Coef(x^20)=C(10,10).3^10=3^10` then, `a_20=3^10`
Solution 01
Denoting the greatest common divisor (GCD) of `a` and `b` `(a,b)` and we will use Euclidean Algorithm Theory.
It follows that `(21n+4)/(14n+3)` is irreducible. Q.E.D
Solution 02
Let be a point on the side
. Let
, and
be the inscribed circles of triangles
, and
. Let
, and
be the radii of the exscribed circles of the same triangles that lie in the angle
. Prove that
Find all real roots of the equation
where is a real parameter.
Real numbers are given. For each
) define
and let
(a) Prove that, for any real numbers ,
(b) Show that there are real numbers such that equality holds in (*)
Let us substitute in for
to get
Now, since the domain and range of are the same, we can let
equal some constant
to get