Wednesday, July 14, 2021

`X_1;X_2` are the root of : `X^2-(2cost+3sint)X-11sin^2t=0` Find the minimum of `A=X_1^2+X_1X_2+X_2^2`.

`X_1;X_2` are the root of : `X^2-(2cost+3sint)X-11sin^2t=0` 

Find the minimum of `A=X_1^2+X_1X_2+X_2^2`.


We can see that: `A=X_1^2+X_1X_2+X_2^2`


Following Vieta's Formulas `X^2-SX+P=0`    `(1)`

Then `X_1+X_2=S`  and `X_1X_2=P` which `X_1;X_2` are the roots of equation `(1)`

We easily see that: `X_1+X_2=2cost+3sint`


Therefore: `A=(2cost+3sint)^2+11sin^2t`








                     `=12+10sin(2t-a)`   when `a=arcsin(4/5)`

As we knew: for all `t;a\inR` 

                    `-1\leqsinx``\leq1`  where is `x=2t-a`

Hence, Min`(A)=12-10=2`

Solution by: Thin Sokkean

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