Sunday, March 7, 2021

Prove that: `1/2+1/5+1/8+1/11+1/20+1/40+1/110+1/1640=1`

 1. Prove that: `1/2+1/5+1/8+1/11+1/20+1/40+1/110+1/1640=1`


We observe that: 






Hence, `1/2+1/5+1/8+1/11+1/20+1/40+1/110+1/1640=1`

2. Find the minimum value of `A=|x-1|+|x-2|+|x-3|+.....+|x-100|`


We observe that: 

            `|x-k|+|x-(101-k)|``\geq``|101-2k|` while `|a|+|b|``\geq``|a-b|`

The equal case happens when `x\in``[x,101-k]`

For all `k=1,2,3,....,50` we will get that:







Make the sum of side to side, we will get: 


The equal case happens when `x\in``\cap[k,101-k]` which `1``\geq``k``\geq``501``=[50,51]`

Hence, the minimum value of `A=|x-1|+|x-2|+|x-3|+.....+|x-100|=2500`when `x\in``=[50,51]`

                                                `A_{min}=2500` when `x\in``=[50,51]`

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