Monday, February 1, 2021

Sequence Book For Grade 12

 This book is related to Sequence Problem, the tips to solve Sequence problem, which is written in Khmer language. I hope this book is used for all of you.

Thin Sokkean

Firstly, I think I would do more research in Math like translate from foreign language in to our local language, but I have no time. I just stopped writing from that page and wait to finish it after 4 years more. But. Some methods in this book can help you to improve your sequence calculation.

1. Sequence Book By Thin Sokkean

2. All Time Test Collection In Cambodia

3. Math For Grade 12 By Chea Piseth

4. Math For Grade 9 

5. Logarithm Function 

6. Math Abition

7. Math Anata

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