Friday, November 27, 2020

Let `(a_n)` be a sequence of real number satisfied that: `a_0=1` and `a_(n+1)=a_0a_1......a_n+4` for all natural number n. Prove that: `a_n-\sqrt{a_{n+1}}=2` for all `n>0`

 Let `(a_n)` be a sequence of real number satisfied that: `a_0=1` and 

`a_(n+1)=a_0a_1......a_n+4` for all natural number n.

Prove that: `a_n-\sqrt{a_{n+1}}=2` for all `n>0`.


We observation that `a_k>0` for all natural number `n`

And from `a_(n+1)=a_0a_1......a_n+4`

Replace `n=n+1` then `a_(n+2)=a_0a_1......a_(n+1)+4`




Therefore,     `a_(n+2)^(1/2)=a_0a_1....a_n+2`

                        `(a_(n+2))^(1/2)=(a_(n+1)+2)` or `(a_(n+1))^(1/2)=(a_n+2)`

Hence, the problem is solved.

Solution by: Thin Sokkean

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