Sunday, August 30, 2020

Remainder Theory

 The Remainder Theorem is useful for evaluating polynomials at a given value of x, though it might not seem so, at least at first blush. This is because the tool is presented as a theorem with a proof, and you probably don't feel ready for proofs at this stage in your studies. Fortunately, you do not "have" to understand the proof of the Theorem, you just need to understand how to use the Theorem.

The Remainder Theorem starts with an unnamed polynomial p(x), where "p(x)" just means "some polynomial p whose variable is x". Then the Theorem talks about dividing that polynomial by some linear factor x – a, where a is just some number.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Math Out-Standing Student Problem​ For Grade 12

Math Out-Standing Student Problem​ For Grade 12

In 2020 of Examination Mathematics For Out-Standing Students in Camboida was cancelled cause of Covid-19, but, Before cancelling, this problem was the most popular problem which occurred mostly in every province. 

You can try to solve by yourself or you can research more about two variables function. There are ton of problems on the internet, but here I just picked some of them to share with all of you.

You can watch solution which was solved by me, where you can check the tips, method, the theory that I used to solve It. 

Thank you very much!

Monday, August 24, 2020

Perfect Problems

 Common Problems

These are the problems of common daily problems that you all should try to solve everyday. 
I have research these problems for all you, specially our Cambodian students to challenge with other countries in the local and around the world.

Day 01

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Examinations Of Math Out Standing Student For Grade 12 In 2020

 Examinations Of Math Out Standing Student For Grade 12 In 2020

These are some tests of Math For Out Standing Student in 2020 which I picked up from the internet. You can see list of these problems are in my book, and also some problems I already solved in my channel. You can see that: Limit, sum of sequence, find the general term of sequence, find the derivative of function, find the sum of function, geometry, function equation, trigonometry function, polynomial function, one variable function, two variables function, find the maximum and minimum of function, trigonometry equation, and so on. These type of problems are the common problems for Math Out Standing For Grade 12 in Cambodia.

Here are some of these tests:

Sihanouk 2020

Phom Penh 2020

Kamchai District
Math Out Standing 2020

You can find solution by yourself

Kampot 2020

Khmer Math Out-Standing Student For Grade 12

 Khmer Math Out-Standing Student For Grade 12

These are problems, I picked up from many examinations, many books both Khmer and Foreign, and so on. All you guy can copy or download this problems from my blog to try by yourself to solve them. I guarantee that you will understand and get close to succeed of your examination. 

My recommendation to you, you should have basic of Mathematics with theory, operation, and also being better in the normal class as well before you try to solve theses problems.

You also can find the solutions in my YouTube Channel: Thin Sokkean
Then, you go to the playlist of " Math Out Standing Student" while you can find other problems and solutions as well. 

I hope that these can help you to be an out standing student .
Have a good study !

These are some common problems that I think you should know If you want to join the testing.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Khmer Math Book For Grade 9

Khmer Math Book For Grade 9
This a Math Book of Khmer author which collected all problems and solutions for Cambodian students. In this book, collected since 1986 to 2015 of all examination which were taken place in national grade of testing.

Link To Download This Book:

Download Here

As you can see in the photon.

How To Do With This Book

In order to study effectively with this book, you should try to do by yourself by just looking to the problems, then you should try to think about the tips to solve those problems. The more you think, the more you understand.

How To Study History

 As you know, history is a difficult subject to study, to remember all events, all backgrounds of each country and around the world such as WWI and WWII which are very complicated to understand. In fact, the causes and effects. I always ask my teachers during the classes with " Why". By asking why, I can understand the whole things which were happened by the authors. 

Allied military personnel in Paris celebrating V-J Day, End of ...

These are some tips that you can apply in to your studying of History.

1. Think As You Are Watching Movie

This is true that you study history is same as you are watching movie, just by watching to reading or listening. You can read all pages, all letters in your books to understand the basic of history. Or you can listen to your teachers' explanation. By this, you also can ask more when you are wondering.

2. Telling History To Your People

After you know something, the best thing to remember them clearly and permanently is Teaching. Just by Teaching, you can remember all steps of events, all patterns of events, because you are saying out what you both understood and remembered.
One proverb that I have ever heard " The Best Way To Remember Is Teaching"

3. Researching More

The best way to get new knowledge is "Researching". By doing research about history on social media, you actually can get more information about what you have understood. It likes you are adding more clearly and fact information to your brain.

Khmer Math For Out Standing Student Grade 12

 Khmer Math For Out Standing Student Grade 12

This problem is picked up from Vietnamese problems which always appears in all IMO examination every single year. In fact, this problem is related to basics Mathematics operations (Squaring Both Sides) by parts. 

I have create this photo for you that you can write this problem to find the solution by yourself or you can go to find the solution by this link below:
Solution Is Here

By Thin Sokkean

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Math Out Standing Problem For Grade 12

Math Out Standing Problem For Grade 12

There are two of problems that I have researched in many books and combine them together to share with all of you.
The solution will is here:
Click here to get solution