Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Prove that `(1/2).(3/4)......((2n-1)/(2n))\leq1/sqrt(3n+1)`

  •  This is the problem that I picked up from book : 101 Solved Problem in Algebra from The USA IMO with the 43th problem.

  •  As you see, this problem is related to natural number `N`, So the easiest method to solve this problem is using Mathematics Induction which you need to prove that statement is true for `n=1` , supposed that statement is true for `n=k` then the finally step is to prove It is true with `n=k+1` .
  • I also translate this problem in to Khmer Language for all of you to be easy to understand both problem and solution.
  • You can follow my Facebook Page: Thin Sokkean 
  • Here is solution for all of you.

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