Monday, February 3, 2020

Math Out-Standing Student Problem#96

This is the problem relates to divisible of natural number. I used to solve a lot of problems about this type of problem. In order to solve this problem, you need to simplify 192=16.12 and use the thesis of do as the problem wants.
In this video, I have tell you detail about even natural number and odd natural number.
Odd natural number is written n=2k+1 , It can't divided by 2.
Even natural number is written n=2k  , It divided by 2
Square of odd natural number order.

Math Out-Standing Student
Math Out-Standing Student Problem#96

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Sunday, February 2, 2020

Math Out-Standing Student Problem#95

This is the problem sum of sequence. To solve this type of problem, you need to simplify the general term of it with spread it to become two other sequences factor order. As I did, I used the formula of a^2-1 =(a-1)(a+1) then inverse the equation. Then let a=3^(2^n) and the last section, I multiply both sides with 2^(n+1).

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Saturday, February 1, 2020

Problem Should Study For BaccII 2020

This is the video of analysis of Mathematics for grade 12 in Cambodia during BaccII. In this video, I took all tests from 2013 to 2019 for BaccII and led me to conclude that there are some section which always appears in every year of examination such as:
1. Complex Number
2. Limit
3. Integral 

4. Differential Equation
5. Probability
6. Geometry In Space
7. Conic
8. Function and Graph

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